Submitted By: Armin K. Date: 2014-08-02 Initial Package Version: 0.24.0 Upstream Status: Fixed Origin: Upstream Description: Late post release fixes to fix some issues with packages that use Vala gtk+-3.0: Update to 3.12.0 geocode-glib-1.0: Update to 3.12.0 clutter-1.0: Update to 1.18.0 atk: Update and fix metadata --- a/vapi/atk.vapi 2013-12-22 19:40:23.000000000 +0100 +++ b/vapi/atk.vapi 2014-08-02 13:39:10.557150066 +0200 @@ -41,12 +41,15 @@ public class Misc : GLib.Object { [CCode (has_construct_function = false)] protected Misc (); + [Deprecated] public static unowned Atk.Misc get_instance (); + [Deprecated] public virtual void threads_enter (); + [Deprecated] public virtual void threads_leave (); } [CCode (cheader_filename = "atk/atk.h", type_id = "atk_no_op_object_get_type ()")] - public class NoOpObject : Atk.Object, Atk.Action, Atk.Component, Atk.Document, Atk.EditableText, Atk.Hypertext, Atk.Image, Atk.Selection, Atk.Table, Atk.Text, Atk.Value, Atk.Window { + public class NoOpObject : Atk.Object, Atk.Action, Atk.Component, Atk.Document, Atk.EditableText, Atk.Hypertext, Atk.Image, Atk.Selection, Atk.Table, Atk.TableCell, Atk.Text, Atk.Value, Atk.Window { [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "AtkObject*")] public NoOpObject (GLib.Object obj); } @@ -65,6 +68,7 @@ [CCode (has_construct_function = false)] protected Object (); public bool add_relationship (Atk.RelationType relationship, Atk.Object target); + [Deprecated] public virtual uint connect_property_change_handler (Atk.PropertyChangeHandler handler); public virtual Atk.AttributeSet get_attributes (); public virtual unowned string get_description (); @@ -82,9 +86,11 @@ public virtual Atk.Role get_role (); public virtual void initialize (void* data); public void notify_state_change (Atk.State state, bool value); + public unowned Atk.Object peek_parent (); public Atk.Object ref_accessible_child (int i); public virtual Atk.RelationSet ref_relation_set (); public virtual Atk.StateSet ref_state_set (); + [Deprecated] public virtual void remove_property_change_handler (uint handler_id); public bool remove_relationship (Atk.RelationType relationship, Atk.Object target); public virtual void set_description (string description); @@ -105,27 +111,33 @@ public Atk.Object accessible_parent { owned get; set; } [NoAccessorMethod] public int accessible_role { get; set; } + [Deprecated] [NoAccessorMethod] public string accessible_table_caption { owned get; set; } [NoAccessorMethod] public Atk.Object accessible_table_caption_object { owned get; set; } + [Deprecated] [NoAccessorMethod] public string accessible_table_column_description { owned get; set; } + [Deprecated] [NoAccessorMethod] public Atk.Object accessible_table_column_header { owned get; set; } + [Deprecated] [NoAccessorMethod] public string accessible_table_row_description { owned get; set; } + [Deprecated] [NoAccessorMethod] public Atk.Object accessible_table_row_header { owned get; set; } [NoAccessorMethod] public Atk.Object accessible_table_summary { owned get; set; } + [Deprecated] [NoAccessorMethod] public double accessible_value { get; set; } public virtual signal void active_descendant_changed (void* child); public virtual signal void children_changed (uint change_index, void* changed_child); [Deprecated] public virtual signal void focus_event (bool focus_in); - public signal void property_change (void* arg1); + public virtual signal void property_change (void* values); public virtual signal void state_change (string name, bool state_set); public virtual signal void visible_data_changed (); } @@ -145,6 +157,17 @@ [NoWrapper] public virtual string get_object_id (); } + [CCode (cheader_filename = "atk/atk.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "atk_range_get_type ()")] + [Compact] + public class Range { + [CCode (has_construct_function = false)] + public Range (double lower_limit, double upper_limit, string description); + public Atk.Range copy (); + public void free (); + public unowned string get_description (); + public double get_lower_limit (); + public double get_upper_limit (); + } [CCode (cheader_filename = "atk/atk.h")] public class Registry : GLib.Object { [Deprecated] @@ -280,7 +303,9 @@ public abstract void get_extents (int x, int y, int width, int height, Atk.CoordType coord_type); public abstract Atk.Layer get_layer (); public abstract int get_mdi_zorder (); + [Deprecated] public abstract void get_position (int x, int y, Atk.CoordType coord_type); + [Deprecated] public abstract void get_size (int width, int height); public abstract bool grab_focus (); public abstract Atk.Object ref_accessible_at_point (int x, int y, Atk.CoordType coord_type); @@ -371,13 +396,16 @@ public abstract bool add_column_selection (int column); public abstract bool add_row_selection (int row); public abstract unowned Atk.Object get_caption (); + [Deprecated] public abstract int get_column_at_index (int index_); public abstract unowned string get_column_description (int column); public abstract int get_column_extent_at (int row, int column); public abstract unowned Atk.Object get_column_header (int column); + [Deprecated] public abstract int get_index_at (int row, int column); public abstract int get_n_columns (); public abstract int get_n_rows (); + [Deprecated] public abstract int get_row_at_index (int index_); public abstract unowned string get_row_description (int row); public abstract int get_row_extent_at (int row, int column); @@ -405,6 +433,16 @@ public virtual signal void row_inserted (int row, int num_inserted); public virtual signal void row_reordered (); } + [CCode (cheader_filename = "atk/atk.h", type_id = "atk_table_cell_get_type ()")] + public interface TableCell : Atk.Object { + public abstract GLib.GenericArray get_column_header_cells (); + public abstract int get_column_span (); + public abstract bool get_position (out int row, out int column); + public abstract bool get_row_column_span (out int row, out int column, out int row_span, out int column_span); + public abstract GLib.GenericArray get_row_header_cells (); + public abstract int get_row_span (); + public abstract Atk.Object get_table (); + } [CCode (cheader_filename = "atk/atk.h")] public interface Text : GLib.Object { public abstract bool add_selection (int start_offset, int end_offset); @@ -418,6 +456,7 @@ public static Atk.TextAttribute attribute_register (string name); public static void free_ranges ([CCode (array_length = false)] Atk.TextRange[] ranges); [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] + [NoWrapper] public virtual Atk.TextRange[] get_bounded_ranges (Atk.TextRectangle rect, Atk.CoordType coord_type, Atk.TextClipType x_clip_type, Atk.TextClipType y_clip_type); public abstract int get_caret_offset (); public abstract unichar get_character_at_offset (int offset); @@ -450,11 +489,22 @@ } [CCode (cheader_filename = "atk/atk.h", type_id = "atk_value_get_type ()")] public interface Value : GLib.Object { + [Deprecated] public abstract void get_current_value (GLib.Value value); + public abstract double get_increment (); + [Deprecated] public abstract void get_maximum_value (GLib.Value value); + [Deprecated] public abstract void get_minimum_increment (GLib.Value value); + [Deprecated] public abstract void get_minimum_value (GLib.Value value); + public abstract Atk.Range get_range (); + public abstract GLib.SList get_sub_ranges (); + public abstract void get_value_and_text (out double value, out string text); + [Deprecated] public abstract bool set_current_value (GLib.Value value); + public abstract void set_value (double new_value); + public signal void value_changed (double value, string text); } [CCode (cheader_filename = "atk/atk.h", type_id = "atk_window_get_type ()")] public interface Window : Atk.Object { @@ -484,8 +534,7 @@ public uint16 keycode; public uint32 timestamp; } - [CCode (cheader_filename = "atk/atk.h", cname = "_AtkPropertyValues", has_type_id = false)] - [GIR (name = "_PropertyValues")] + [CCode (cheader_filename = "atk/atk.h", has_type_id = false)] public struct PropertyValues { public weak string property_name; public GLib.Value old_value; @@ -688,6 +737,9 @@ MATH, RATING, TIMER, + DESCRIPTION_LIST, + DESCRIPTION_TERM, + DESCRIPTION_VALUE, LAST_DEFINED; [CCode (cheader_filename = "atk/atk.h")] public static Atk.Role for_name (string name); @@ -696,6 +748,7 @@ [CCode (cheader_filename = "atk/atk.h")] public static unowned string get_name (Atk.Role role); [CCode (cheader_filename = "atk/atk.h")] + [Deprecated] public static Atk.Role register (string name); } [CCode (cheader_filename = "atk/atk.h", cprefix = "ATK_STATE_", type_id = "atk_state_type_get_type ()")] @@ -814,6 +867,29 @@ LINE, PARAGRAPH } + [CCode (cheader_filename = "atk/atk.h", cprefix = "ATK_VALUE_", type_id = "atk_value_type_get_type ()")] + public enum ValueType { + VERY_WEAK, + WEAK, + ACCEPTABLE, + STRONG, + VERY_STRONG, + VERY_LOW, + LOW, + MEDIUM, + HIGH, + VERY_HIGH, + VERY_BAD, + BAD, + GOOD, + VERY_GOOD, + BEST, + LAST_DEFINED; + [CCode (cheader_filename = "atk/atk.h")] + public static unowned string get_localized_name (Atk.ValueType value_type); + [CCode (cheader_filename = "atk/atk.h")] + public static unowned string get_name (Atk.ValueType value_type); + } [CCode (cheader_filename = "atk/atk.h", has_target = false)] public delegate void EventListener (Atk.Object obj); [CCode (cheader_filename = "atk/atk.h", has_target = false)] @@ -826,6 +902,7 @@ [CCode (cheader_filename = "atk/atk.h", instance_pos = 1.9)] public delegate int KeySnoopFunc (Atk.KeyEventStruct event); [CCode (cheader_filename = "atk/atk.h", has_target = false)] + [Deprecated] public delegate void PropertyChangeHandler (Atk.Object obj, Atk.PropertyValues vals); [CCode (cheader_filename = "atk/atk.h", cname = "GSignalEmissionHook", has_target = false)] public delegate bool SignalEmissionHook (GLib.SignalInvocationHint ihint, [CCode (array_length_pos = 1.9)] Atk.Value[] param_values, void* data); --- a/vapi/clutter-1.0.vapi 2014-02-03 23:11:21.000000000 +0100 +++ b/vapi/clutter-1.0.vapi 2014-08-02 13:39:10.559150099 +0200 @@ -5989,12 +5989,18 @@ public void get_press_coords (uint point, out float press_x, out float press_y); public void get_release_coords (uint point, out float release_x, out float release_y); public unowned Clutter.EventSequence get_sequence (uint point); + public void get_threshold_trigger_distance (out float x, out float y); public Clutter.GestureTriggerEdge get_threshold_trigger_egde (); public float get_velocity (uint point, out float velocity_x, out float velocity_y); public void set_n_touch_points (int nb_points); + public void set_threshold_trigger_distance (float x, float y); public void set_threshold_trigger_edge (Clutter.GestureTriggerEdge edge); public int n_touch_points { get; set; } [NoAccessorMethod] + public float threshold_trigger_distance_x { get; construct; } + [NoAccessorMethod] + public float threshold_trigger_distance_y { get; construct; } + [NoAccessorMethod] public Clutter.GestureTriggerEdge threshold_trigger_edge { get; construct; } public virtual signal bool gesture_begin (Clutter.Actor actor); public virtual signal void gesture_cancel (Clutter.Actor actor); --- a/vapi/geocode-glib-1.0.vapi 2013-09-13 08:43:42.000000000 +0200 +++ b/vapi/geocode-glib-1.0.vapi 2014-08-02 13:39:10.559150099 +0200 @@ -16,6 +16,19 @@ [CCode (cheader_filename = "geocode-glib/geocode-glib.h", cname = "GEOCODE_LOCATION_ACCURACY_UNKNOWN")] public const int UNKNOWN; } + [CCode (cheader_filename = "geocode-glib/geocode-glib.h", type_id = "geocode_bounding_box_get_type ()")] + public class BoundingBox : GLib.Object { + [CCode (has_construct_function = false)] + public BoundingBox (double top, double bottom, double left, double right); + public double get_bottom (); + public double get_left (); + public double get_right (); + public double get_top (); + public double bottom { get; construct; } + public double left { get; construct; } + public double right { get; construct; } + public double top { get; construct; } + } [CCode (cheader_filename = "geocode-glib/geocode-glib.h", type_id = "geocode_forward_get_type ()")] public class Forward : GLib.Object { [CCode (has_construct_function = false)] @@ -24,27 +37,45 @@ public Forward.for_params (GLib.HashTable @params); [CCode (has_construct_function = false)] public Forward.for_string (string str); + public uint get_answer_count (); + public bool get_bounded (); public GLib.List search () throws GLib.Error; public async GLib.List search_async (GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error; public void set_answer_count (uint count); + public void set_bounded (bool bounded); + public void set_search_area (Geocode.BoundingBox box); + public uint answer_count { get; set; } + public bool bounded { get; set; } + [NoAccessorMethod] + public Geocode.BoundingBox search_area { owned get; set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "geocode-glib/geocode-glib.h", type_id = "geocode_location_get_type ()")] public class Location : GLib.Object { [CCode (has_construct_function = false)] public Location (double latitude, double longitude, double accuracy = LocationAccuracy.UNKNOWN); public double get_accuracy (); + public double get_altitude (); + public Geocode.LocationCRS get_crs (); public unowned string get_description (); public double get_distance_from (Geocode.Location locb); public double get_latitude (); public double get_longitude (); public uint64 get_timestamp (); public void set_description (string description); + public bool set_from_uri (string uri) throws GLib.Error; + public string to_uri (Geocode.LocationURIScheme scheme); [CCode (has_construct_function = false)] public Location.with_description (double latitude, double longitude, double accuracy, string description); - public double accuracy { get; construct; } + [NoAccessorMethod] + public double accuracy { get; set; } + [NoAccessorMethod] + public double altitude { get; set; } + public Geocode.LocationCRS crs { get; construct; } public string description { get; set; } - public double latitude { get; construct; } - public double longitude { get; construct; } + [NoAccessorMethod] + public double latitude { get; set; } + [NoAccessorMethod] + public double longitude { get; set; } public uint64 timestamp { get; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "geocode-glib/geocode-glib.h", type_id = "geocode_place_get_type ()")] @@ -53,6 +84,7 @@ public Place (string name, Geocode.PlaceType place_type); public unowned string get_administrative_area (); public unowned string get_area (); + public unowned Geocode.BoundingBox get_bounding_box (); public unowned string get_building (); public unowned string get_continent (); public unowned string get_country (); @@ -61,6 +93,7 @@ public unowned GLib.Icon get_icon (); public unowned Geocode.Location get_location (); public unowned string get_name (); + public unowned string get_osm_id (); public Geocode.PlaceType get_place_type (); public unowned string get_postal_code (); public unowned string get_state (); @@ -69,6 +102,7 @@ public unowned string get_town (); public void set_administrative_area (string admin_area); public void set_area (string area); + public void set_bounding_box (Geocode.BoundingBox bbox); public void set_building (string building); public void set_continent (string continent); public void set_country (string country); @@ -85,15 +119,17 @@ public Place.with_location (string name, Geocode.PlaceType place_type, Geocode.Location location); public string administrative_area { get; set; } public string area { get; set; } + public Geocode.BoundingBox bounding_box { get; set; } public string building { get; set; } public string continent { get; set; } public string country { get; set; } public string country_code { get; set; } public string county { get; set; } - [NoAccessorMethod] - public GLib.Icon icon { owned get; set; } + public GLib.Icon icon { get; } public Geocode.Location location { get; set; } public string name { get; set; } + [NoAccessorMethod] + public string osm_id { owned get; set; } public Geocode.PlaceType place_type { get; construct; } public string postal_code { get; set; } public string state { get; set; } @@ -110,6 +146,14 @@ public Geocode.Place resolve () throws GLib.Error; public async Geocode.Place resolve_async (GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error; } + [CCode (cheader_filename = "geocode-glib/geocode-glib.h", cprefix = "GEOCODE_LOCATION_CRS_", type_id = "geocode_location_crs_get_type ()")] + public enum LocationCRS { + WGS84 + } + [CCode (cheader_filename = "geocode-glib/geocode-glib.h", cprefix = "GEOCODE_LOCATION_URI_SCHEME_", type_id = "geocode_location_uri_scheme_get_type ()")] + public enum LocationURIScheme { + GEO + } [CCode (cheader_filename = "geocode-glib/geocode-glib.h", cprefix = "GEOCODE_PLACE_TYPE_", type_id = "geocode_place_type_get_type ()")] public enum PlaceType { UNKNOWN, --- a/vapi/gtk+-3.0.vapi 2014-03-22 14:22:43.000000000 +0100 +++ b/vapi/gtk+-3.0.vapi 2014-08-02 13:40:05.236194877 +0200 @@ -3602,6 +3602,11 @@ public virtual signal void closed (); } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gtk/gtk.h")] + public class PopoverAccessible : Gtk.ContainerAccessible, Atk.Component { + [CCode (has_construct_function = false)] + protected PopoverAccessible (); + } + [CCode (cheader_filename = "gtk/gtk.h")] public class PrintContext : GLib.Object { [CCode (has_construct_function = false)] protected PrintContext (); @@ -6897,6 +6902,7 @@ public abstract int get_child_index (Gtk.CellAccessible cell); public abstract Gtk.CellRendererState get_renderer_state (Gtk.CellAccessible cell); public abstract bool grab_focus (Gtk.CellAccessible cell); + public abstract void update_relationset (Gtk.CellAccessible cell, Atk.RelationSet relationset); } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gtk/gtk.h")] public interface CellEditable : Gtk.Widget {